Thursday, December 31, 2009
Happy New Year to Barb and all my challenge buddies at Haunted Design House. So looking forward to a new year of fun, frolic and fantastic entries!
till the next time, ENJOY! the Oz
Friday, December 25, 2009
Wintery Wraiths
Apologies, analogies and Applets... oh my!
Apologies first: Thank you to everyone for sending me so many beautiful Christmas cards this year. The love was oozing out of my mail box and coating everything thing in my life in sparkle and light. And that was a good thing!!!! I had so much fun the last few weeks just trying not to curl up into the fetal position and lay on the floor of my closet with the door closed until it was all over. Every card I received helped me stay upright.
And yet.... I did not mail mine.
I have this box (on the right of the photo) ready to mail, each envelope filled with a handmade card, no two exactly alike, everyone with a hand written note.. and there they sit.
I know this was part of my stress. I can't exactly explain it. Money was part of the issue, time was another. I have thought hard the last 24 hours as to how I am going to handle this and I have decided that I am first going to say I am sorry and then I am going to mail them as is.
I know that you will all be receiving them way after Christmas... hell some will be after the first of the year but that is how I am going to do this.
So, I am so sorry. Please know that your kindness to me was so important in my life at this time and so well received that I can only hope to repay you at sometime in our relationship.
Analogies: I think the first woman who every had water running up to her home started the idea of Heaven. I am sure that some of you have never had to live anytime at all without this convenience and count yourself lucky now. When we take things as precious as clean running water for granted for as long as I have, it is no wonder that life seems to stop dead when it is ripped from our grasp. Do you know that toilets don't flush well without water? Did you know that dishes requires up to three trips to the outside faucet (where luckily water still existed) in 20 degree weather!! Did you know that washing your hands in freezing cold water does not fell good!!!!! Did you know that I can be such a WHINER!!! well yeah I bet you did know that already...hehe
Well good news is that I know have a dry floor, hot and cold running water and a much better attitude towards life once more.
Applets and Cottlets: I love certain foods. I am not a huge fan of sweets but some sweets are perfection. Once a year I treat myself to Applets and Cottlets. Not the chocolate covered kind, although those are marvelous too, but the original confection. Ladies, this is decadence in a tissue lined box. I only bring this up because I needed another A word for my title but you should truly try them if you haven't yet. ahhhh love that taste.
till next time, the Oz
Sunday, December 13, 2009
the great storm of '09
I waved goodbye to my dreams of making all 12 for Mr. t!m this year. Well not really waved, more like mopped out!
When I arrived home, arrived safely I might add since it was ice ice baby all the way home, I was greeted at the door with a strange hissing sound followed by a heart sinking "SLOSH" as I stepped in.
Yes ladies, the dreaded "PIPE BROKE" sounds of disaster! One little tiny split in one little tiny pipe in one little tiny space that flooded one little tiny trailer...
my little tiny trailer.
So as of right now my "to do" list that did look like three days of creative heaven now looks like this:
1. Go to hardware store and stay the heck out of paint chip isle. Pray that someone who actual knows how to fix a pipe and doesn't mind sharing, is working. Purchase parts for pipe, new insulation and plastic garbage bags ONLY. Don't get anything that has the "oh I could store my ...." with it.
2. Laundromat for 3 loads of every towel I own, cat bed, throw rugs, and those 2 sweatshirts that were in the back seat of the car.
3. Grocery store for paper plates (in case this doesn't work)!!!
So ladies, tomorrow afternoon I will be sitting crosslegged on the floor of my trailer with my little trusty toolbox by my side. I will be talking, out loud, the entire time. I am sure that at some point I will be bleeding from at least one knuckle. But, I will not give up! I will have running water, from my faucet, before I go to bed Monday night or my name is not Soggy Sally!
I know that is not my name, but let's not get to carried away. I may have to bat my eyelashes and get some guy to fix some part of it.... I am not crazy! LOL
till next time, ENJOY (the sound of your toilet flushing)! the Oz
Thursday, December 10, 2009
spooky sprites
Spooky because mischievous doesn't start with an "S".
I found a sprite stamp right off the bat.. but now what do I do with it? It is a delicious little stamp. Looks like something off of a 1930's candy wrapper. But again, what do I do with it?
Then the "Fickle Finger of Fate" happened by. I was making these Bag-n-tag sets for a video I am doing and there was that little stamp. Just laying there. Just wondering why the heck I had not used him yet. Just kinda sighing now and then, tapping his toe a little, clearing his throat....
OK ALREADY, I GET THE MESSAGE! Geeze these little guys can be soooo annoying!
So, One more Bag-n-tag won't hurt anybody right? So I am entering this into Barb's Challenge for Spooky Sprites. Lucy's challenge for Wings and Strings. And it counts towards my Tag-along with Linda score. This is #5!
till next time, ENJOY! the Oz
Video time!
I can hold my head up high and declare that I made and uploaded a NEW video. But then I have to turn right around and hang my head in shame as I tell you that I have several filmed and not edited yet. I suck at editing. I like to hear myself talk. I like to talk even when no one, including me, is listening... I talk in the car all the way to town. No body is in the car with me but still I will talk...out loud. OK so now you know I am crazy. Like there was ever a doubt!
When teaching classes, I quickly learned that you have to say the same thing at least three times. You have to say this at three different times and in three different ways but you do have to repeat yourself... a lot. I fall right into this mode of communication so easily.
When making videos, you should only have to say something once because the student, or video watcher, can replay the video as many times as they like. This mode is not so easy for me to fall into.
After all that, basically what I am saying is "I suck at editing!"
But the good news is I have another video for you to watch! Link to Video
I so hope you like listening to me talk 'cause I am a talker. You know how everyone has to have a "Thing" that makes them stand out. My thing is gonna be long talky, gabby videos...hehe
Till next time, ENJOY! the Oz
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
and the crowd goes wild!!!!!
I have practiced this a thousand times in the mirror. Always perfect coiffed, calm but with a slight blush and glow. Take a gasp and put a hand to your chest to show your sincerity. Now, just before the crowd completely sits down... opening my mouth to speak the words I have rehearsed... "I would like to thank the academy..."
uh what...oh damn .. wrong speech!!
Ok, so I am not 18 and writing country music and I don't' have anyone jumping in and saying I don't deserve it... well maybe a few but they are so much more polite about it. I am still so damn tickled I could piddle!!
I was picked as MASTER OF MACABRE for November 2009!!!
Thank you, thank you everyone for making this possible! Especially you Mr Random Generator. You wonderfully sexy number picking thingy you. I will save you a seat at the head table..maybe afterwards drinks...ummm??
on a more serious note.. I am pleased and having so darn much fun. I encourage everyone I know to check out Barb's challenge and play along a few times. It is fun to let your hair down and stretch your boundaries. Stepping outside the box is relaxing, tax deductable and calorie free! You never know, maybe you won't bumble your acceptance speech as much as I did!
till next time, ENJOY! the Oz
Sunday, December 6, 2009
The Tim-ster had me at day 1
I am not sure how but I am going to move bridges, mountains and train stations if I have to make a project for all 12 days of t!m's tags. I just love his tags. He always puts fun in his tutorials also. If you haven't been there, you should treat your self. You can also see the tags from the last two years.
I know that a lot of people say he is just selling selling selling his stuff. I DON'T CARE! I love his stuff anyway. The products that carry his name deliver the goods. I have not been disappointed with any of the products that I have tried. I can manage to get the stuff I make look darn close to the stuff that they advertise with and I can assure you that is not the case with a lot of the products out there.
This card is inspired by Day 5's tag. I don't have any of the fragments so I used UTEE on the three elements. I have ideas sketched out for three of the days, whew this is gonna be tough. Cross your fingers for me.
till next time, ENJOY! the Oz
Tag #4
Good things can come in small packages. This sweet but small tag is really just a miniature card. It has a huge heart though, don't dismiss it just because of it's size. Oh no, for shame. This sweet little tag could make a small package become the largest gift under the tree. Just with the right contents and a kind and lovely note written inside... ahhh present bliss!
Till next time, ENJOY! the Oz
Friday, December 4, 2009
Tag-a-long with Linda
As promised, here are tags 2 and 3 of the 12. This paper is from Cosmo Cricket's Lil Man line but it just smacked of Christmas to me.
With all the Yee Hawing I can muster, let me introduce you to My lil Buck-a-roo! I used one of my all time favorite K&Company lines for this tag. It is called Kazoo Kids. I purchased this years ago but have used almost every inch of it. I just love the rich colors and the retro designs. Great collection.
till next time, ENJOY! the Oz
Witchy Women Unite
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
This is cool!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Tag your it!
Now don't get me wrong, I am not complaining. Not one little bit. In fact I am celebrating! I love making, using and swapping tags. They are such a fun useful item. Just practically perfect in every way.
Tags can be used in so many applications. Everything needs to be tagged. I have boxes filled with useful goodies but when the lid is on them... who knows what is inside. I tag that box and a miracle happens. I now know not only what is in the box but I also know what I haven't used in the last six months because it was shoved in that box in the back of my closet.
Why tags are so useful and important they will put one on your toe when you die. Now you can't get anymore important than that! Oh no-siree-bob!
So, in honor of all this tagliciousness, I am going to try and do my own "Tag-a-long with Linda" celebration right here in my own little space I have created. My intent is to post 12 tags between now and Eve-eve (Dec 23rd). I will be making each tag new and sharing with you, my most favorite blog-land buddies, how I managed to get it made.
Now, I am off to check out day 2 with the t!m-ster! And remember.. this is the most wonderful time of the year!
Till next time, ENJOY! the Oz
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Break out the POPCORN !!
I did it! I made my first video!! Me, Paula and BG! I am so GIDDY!! It took me way to many hours to film, edit and upload but I DID IT!
This is how supportive BG was.
Till next time, ENJOY! the Oz
Monday, November 23, 2009
Back to Normal
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Ghastly Gravesites
Friday, November 13, 2009
Bizarre Beauty School Dropout
Till next time, ENJOY! the Oz
An Award with a string attached!
A string of questions that is. Sue (Stampin Sue) blessed me with an award for my little blog. This award comes with 35 questions that you have to answer with ONE word only. This is not an award this is a torture device!! Only ONE word per question. I read the question and have a paragraph or two ready to type out. How could she do this to me....
I know, quit your whining and post the list..hehe
1. Where is your cell phone? Dash
2. Your hair? Grey
3. Your mother? Pistol
4. Your father? Missed
5. Your favorite food? Cooked
6. Your dream last night? Scary
7. Your favorite drink? Cola
8. Your dream/goal? Happiness
9. What room are you in? studio
10. Your hobby? Creating
11. Your fear? Loneliness
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Alive
13. Where were you last night? Asleep
14. Something that you aren't? male
15. Muffins? Apple
16. Wish list items? Numerous
17. Where did you grow up? Oregon
18. Last thing you did? Type
19. What are you wearing? Nothing
20. Your TV? Dusty
21. Your pets? Spoiled
22. Friends? Great
23. Your life? Good
24. Your mood? Pleasant
25. Missing Someone? daily
26. Vehicle? Broom
27. Something you're not wearing? Watch
28. Your favorite store? craft
29. Your favorite color? Rainbow
30. When was the last time you laughed? Everyday
31. Last time you cried? Everyday
32. Your best friend? Sister
33. One place that I go to over and over? Bathroom
34. Facebook? Nope
35. Favorite place to eat? couch
If you made it through all 35, leave a comment with this word in it (clown) and I will pick one lucky winner and send them some goodies! If you didn't make it all the way through...enjoy your nap...hehe! Thank you Sue, was fun.
Till next time, The Oz
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Color Throwdown #68
With all the fabulous inspiration and color combos that the ever so talented ladies at CTD "throw" our direction, I can't believe I didn't play along sooner. But then look how long it took me to start a blog.... hehe
Till next time, ENJOY! the Oz
Starting at the top....
When I posted this card on my Flickr group, I received a lot of requests for a video. Now wouldn't that be cool! Yeah I would love to do a video, more than one even. But.... I don't have a camera that will do video except for my cell phone and it was pretty lame. Yes I tried it.
So, in a effort to make myself expand and learn while I am saving up for a video camera, I have put together a tutorial. This is my first ever online tutorial, but since it is also my first ever blog...I say what the heck.. go for it!
I started out with a plan white card base, this happens to be A2 but size is not important. A piece of thin copy or printer paper (tear a strip off) and black ink. Ranger's Distress ink will work also but remember it is formulated to stay wet longer so it is even messier than pigment or dye ink.
Don't forget the application tool. For this I use a piece of makeup sponge. You can use a dried out wipe-up, piece of cloth, felt or purchased foam applicator. All of these will work but I like the make-up wedges just fine.
With something protecting your work surface (I use the rest of the copy paper) lay your torn strip across the top of your card base. I dab the sponge onto the ink pad and blot off a bit (look at the rectangle at the top right corner of this pic) just to keep from getting to strong of a line on my card face. Then with a wiping across action, I just basically swipe the sponge across the copy paper and onto the card face.
This pic shows the torn edge of the copy paper moved down a bit after I have finished my first row on the card face. Move the torn edge side to side and tilt a little as you work down the card. This will give you more visual interest.
Here you can see where I have worked my way down about a quarter of the way on the card base. I am only using one color of ink but I have achieved all these light and dark shades. I am doing nothing special. Each time I move the torn paper I dab in the ink, blot off a bit and then starting at one side, swipe across the torn paper onto the card base. That's it.
This is the entire card face completed with this method. Can you see the highs and lows, where it almost looks quilted? It is completely flat but it really does look like puffed up clouds. You do not have to use black, any ink color will do.
My next step is to mist with Perfect Pearls or Perfect Sparkles in water. This mister was purchased at Walmart for 50 cents. I then added water and some bronze Perfect Pearls. It has never clogged and has lasted me for ages. I use it a lot too. If left alone I would more than likely mist everything within reach as it leaves such a lovely soft glimmer on the surface... hey wait, I live alone, I can glimmer anything I want! Where is that cat?
After letting the glimmery mist dry, you can then stamp, glue, write upon or even spill pop (soda) on it if you want. Since you never tear your paper the same way twice, your backgrounds will be so different each time. The fact that they are different but never disappointing is what makes me a huge fan of this technique.
I swear these cards were never wrinkled, folded, creased or cussed at in any way! Cross my heart! What ever dimension you see is purely trick of the eye!
I so hope you have not only enjoyed this tutorial but that I made it understandable. Please take a moment and let me know. I can only improve with knowledge and practice...
Till next time, ENJOY! the Oz
Monday, November 9, 2009
With just a litle help from a friend... we can do everything!
Did I happen to mention that you may only use stamps that are in the current Holiday and Cling catalogs? Ahhh, forgot to mention that part... Well up to a few days ago I had 3 stamps that fit that bill. Now, because of a lucky 2nd place win, I have 8 stamps that qualify! Whoo HOO! Now we are cooking with gas!
Did I forget to mention that 4 of those 8 are Halloween stamps???? Boy am I forgetful these days...hehe
Doesn't matter a bit! I can do this, I can do anything! I have talent, insight, tenacity! I am gonna knock their stamp making socks off!
Oh and if I don't....well I just won't get picked like the last 2 times I tried but I will have some damn interesting cards to show off!!! OH YEAH!!
till next time... ENJOY! The Oz
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Support your local "GIRLFRIEND"
My blog-land (but oh so much more) friend Elise has the honor of being the guest designer on The Color Throwdown for the month of November. I, wanting to do whatever I can to support her, am submitting this project for CTD challenge.
I have a friend who is under the weather, like almost everyone I know, so I made up this "Chicken Soup Makes Ya Better" gift pack. Please note there is no chicken soup anywhere close to this package, but it does have these delightful chickens that I think fit the color challenge perfectly. The colors in SU language are Dusty Durango, Always Artichoke, Soft Sky and Kraft. Perfectly yummy combo.
I covered a General Foods International coffee tin and then filled it with cold remedies. I started with some Bazzill textured cardstock. Still #1 IMHO! After treating the top with a Fiskars edge punch, I adhered it to the tin with Terrifically Tacky (TT) tape. Then I layered on some Little Yellow Bicycle pp which I "Durango-ed" up with distress ink. Here comes the chickens and some Offray ribbon. I used an Nestie to cut the ovals. One from kraft and one from them chickens. Little more distress ink and a few pop dots later, you have yourself one delightful container.
For the sour cream container, I starting with a 4x6" piece of double side pp. A light cs or double sided pp seems to be the best weight for this project. This happens to be the reverse side of the "Durango-ed" check I used on the tin.
Using the TT adhesive tape again, I made a tube. Then (and this is the trick to know part) keeping the seam about 3/4 of the way across one end, I closed up the tube. If you put the seam in the middle, when you do the other end it will be on a edge and this does not work nicely. I then filled it up and pinched the other end closed being sure to turn it halfway.
Then with a little crimping of the ends, I have one very sharp looking but unusual gift container. These are fun to give. Everyone always has to turn them over and over in their hands. A bowl of them on the table, each filled with oh... M&Ms lets say, makes for a great display and crowd pleaser. Listen to me sounding like a Martha Stewart wanna be...
Anyhoo, this is my entry. Hope you ENJOY! cause ya know I did! And to Elise... Way to go Girlfriend! YOU ROCK!
Till next time, ENJOY! the Oz
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Garishly Gleaming Glitter
The name of her challenges alone sucked me in! I am speaking of the very talented Barb of Haunted Design House. She has a weekly challenge that I happily found just before Halloween. Being as I love Halloween and all things Halloweenie, it was a perfect match. You really should check out her blogs (yes that is plural!), as she is such a positive fun person that oozes through in her posts.
This is my entry into the current challenge. I named it "JUGGLING LIFE". I tried to capture the copious amounts of glitter but I am not the greatest photographer..yet.
I am also not the greatest blogger and so I am still figuring out how to put pics where I want them...sigh. Soon my darlings..soon
This clown has been in my family for years and has always brought me the best of luck. I have met quite a few marvelous people from conversations started over this stamp. I used tons of stickles to bling this baby out. I also tried to make it look like he was juggling in a spotlight. I think I accomplished that, looks like it from my end anyway.
Till next time, ENJOY! Oz
Friday, November 6, 2009
Ben Franklin Card Club
Paula (my sister) and I have been attending the lss card club for a couple of months now. It is the basic store club, they show you new product, discuss up-coming events, and demo a technique. Most clubs run the same, some better some worse. All of the clubs have one thing I am interested in, the people. I want to meet and get to know other crafters. This group seems to have some really fun gals that I am looking forward to getting to know better.
Last month I was a little late in arriving and tried to sneak in quietly while destroying and entire display rack at the same time. Don't try this at home unless you have really good insurance. Of course, I stopped the class and got every ones attention so I introduced myself! What the heck might as well make lemonade right! But the icing on the cake was when Paula arrived right after I had cleaned up my mess and just got the meeting calmed down and everyone looking at Laura (the instructor) again. Paula trips over the chair leg and falls on me. I am thinking this is a joke and how the hell did she find out that I had knocked down the display,what is she psychic or something? so while she is in distress I am introducing her to the crowd and saying things like ... "ho ho really funny sis, I get it!" "Ok so now you have met the dork" I am yucking it up big time and here is my poor sister trying to get her twisted ankle righted up and in real distress. OMG! I really did say some funny stuff cause the whole group is cracking up and my sister is begging me to understand she is really in need of help!
Needless to say, when we went to card club this last Monday, everyone already knew our names and were so glad to see us! I guess my evil plan worked 'cause everyone wanted to sit next to the funny kids. But not to worry, I didn't totally turn off the instructor..... yet!
Paula and I invited a couple of our friends to go with us and everyone is suppose to bring six cards for the exchange. I made up these cards for them so they could play along and take home cards too. Thank you Sharon and Shirley, I know being seen in public with us is not easy!
Till next time, ENJOY! The Oz
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Happy Birthday day to me!!
I will be posting pics of my cat, cards I make, projects ... and I will be hopefully sharing my thoughts and random utterings that some of you seem to enjoy. I will not be advertising this until I get it going a little better but I do so hope that it fills the NEED that so many of you think I have.
I do have one more comment. Be careful what you wish for my dear friends, because you may just get want you think you want! LOL Linda aka Oz